Barbell Framework

At Capital Investment Advisers LLC, we take pride in our various strategies and methods to assist clients in pursuing their goals. Among those methods is our Barbell Framework which lays the foundation for allocating pre-retirement and retirement assets through structural diversification.  Within this framework, we include the use of outside investment firms as well as in-house investment strategies. We do an in-depth dive with each of our clients annually to strategically invest portfolio assets in each component of the barbell based on individual/household income needs, retirement goals, risk comfortability, and life circumstances. We understand every client's situation is different, and therefore certain parts of the barbell may be heavier than others. Regardless, we strive to ensure that our clients do not get overwhelmed by the weight of their investment decisions and make an effort to add some muscle (diversification) to assist with that!


"We invest adaptively with the goal of achieving consistent and stable returns regardless of market environment."- excerpt from Adaptive Asset Allocation (Butler, Philbrick and Gordillo)


There is no guarantee that a diversified portfolio will enhance overall returns or outperform a non-diversified portfolio. Diversification does not protect against market risk.